We expect that all students will need help at some point in this course. If you find yourself needing help, this is not cause for embarrassment: it is completely expected, and our goal is to ensure that you are able to receive the help you need. A good rule of thumb is that if you spend an hour on the assignment without making any progress, seek help! Please be sure to seek help early and often through any (or all!) of the following resources:
Your Study Group Building a support system of friends with whom you can struggle and work through the challenges you encounter is one of the best ways to seek help. You will quickly learn how much you can figure out working together!
Discord: I have created a discord server that you can use for any questions related to course logistics, material, or assignments. You may ask questions in discord, and you are encouraged to help other students work through problems - but you should use discretion, and make sure not to give away the answer. The invite link for the server is here.
Student Hours: The instructor is always willing to help you during our student hours. Please make frequent use of these times! Even if you don't have specific questions, you can come to student hours just to work until you do have a question. If you want to get help but none of the official student hours work for you, then you should not hesitate to schedule a time with the instructor.
Email: Please send me emails as often as you need! But note that in my class, you are never allowed to apologize for sending an email or asking for help, and you are never allowed to dismiss your own questions as "dumb".