Discrete Mathematics is a survey of dozens of mathematical topics. Not only are these topics deeply connected to each other, as well as your other math and CS courses; this material has rich applications to nearly all of courses you are taking at Southwestern, as well as to your extracurricular activities. The purpose of this project is to explore these connections. For this project, you will prepare a written report describing three connections:
A connection between two different topics in the course. The two topics should either be from two different chapters of DMOI, or it should be between a topic from DMOI and a topic from Number Theory.
A connection between a topic from this course and a topic in one of your other math or computer science courses.
A connection between a topic from this course and a topic from one of your non-math/CS courses. Alternately, you can describe a connection to one of your extracurricular activities at Southwestern.
To help you avoid procrastination, I am requiring you to turn in a proposal during week 10, and a first draft during week 13. Your proposal should identify the three connections that you plan to explore; it's ok if you change these later, but you need to demonstrate that you've started thinking about the direction of your project. The first draft will give you a chance to get feedback that will help you produce the most polished final proposal possible. The more work you put into your first draft, the less work you will need to do to create your final submission.
The final submission will be graded according to the following rubric:
Clear explanation of connections: 30 points (10 points per connection)
Creativity of connections: 10 points
Grammar and mechanics of writing: 10 points