• GirlStart: In 2024 I worked with two Southwestern undergraduate students to prepare and deliver an computer science-themed activity for GirlStart, an Austin-based organization that runs afterschool clubs to help encourage female students to explore STEM fields.
  • Girls Who Code (GWC): In 2021 and 2022, I partnered with several Pitt undergraduate students, as well as the the Community Engagement Center (CEC) in Pittsburgh's Hill District, to establish a local chapter of GWC, a national organization dedicated towards promoting gender equity in computer science.
  • Bridge to Enter Advanced Mathematics: In 2020 I taught at BEAM, a summer mathematics camp for highly gifted 7th and 8th grade students from underrepresented backgrounds. I taught two sections of a course on computability theory titled "A problem that computers can NEVER solve". In 2021 I taught one course on the stable matching problem and the Gale-Shapley algorithm, and I taught one course introductory computer programming in python, with an emphasis on recursion.
  • Splash!: I spent several years volunteering for Splash!, an educational outreach program that brings high school students to college campuses to learn about any number of academic and recreational topics. I have given lectures at both USC and UCSD on the following topics:
    • How do ants navigate without google maps?
    • How to solve an impossible counting problem
    • The mathematics of credit card security
    • Beginner Yoga
    • How do we assemble human genomes?
    • Introduction to complexity theory
  • taste of science: In 2018 and 2019 I volunteered for the San Diego chapter of Taste of Science, an initiative designed to foster harmonious communication between academia and the surrounding community. We organized events in which professors would come to local bars to give informative, digestible talks on their research. I have helped organize events on the following topics:
    • Cybersecurity and data privacy
    • Genetics and 23&Me