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Tomato Root Architecture |
This interface takes a .csv file containing information of a tomato root system and outputs a pareto front displaying where the system falls regarding the optimality of both conduction delay and wiring cost.
From the header on all pages one can choose to Exit and return to Dr. Arjun Chandrasekhars website home page. Home directs you to the home page, About to a page displaying information about the general project, and Help to this page regarding how the interface is to be used.
The home page allows the user to decide whether to upload their own .csv or use a default sample .csv. Both pages take you to the upload page. On entering this page, the system display (the right image) shows a drawing of the original tomato root. The front (the left image) shows the pareto root system. Each dot on this front represents a theoretical root system. The blue dot represents the system displayed on start. In order to view the other dots systems in the system display, the slider is utilized. Beneath the system displays is the slider, and below that an indicator of which dot one is looking at. By moving the dot on the slider from side to side, the system display updates to show a drawing of the given system represented on the front. Each system generates 101 dots, 1 for the original system, and 100 theoretical systems. These are listed as alphas from 1 to 100, where 1 represents the leftmost dot and 100 represents the rightmost dot.
There are three additional buttons on this page. Upload File or Upload Again allows you to enter a .csv to start this process over again. Reset to Original allows you to view the original system drawing again in the system display after moving the slider. Finally, Download Data allows you to download a .zip file that contains 102 .pdf files, 1 that is a drawing of the original system, 1 that is the pareto front drawing, and 100 of the theoretical root system drawings.